These books may be helpful for partners in neurodiverse relationships and neurodivergent individuals. Some can help increase understanding of mixed neurotype relationships, while others provide important tools and strategies for individual partners and couples in
all types of relationships.
Anderson, Frank F.; Sweezy, Martha; Schwartz, Richard
Internal Family Systems Skills Training Manual. Trauma Informed Treatment for Anxiety, Depression, PTSD & Substance Abuse. (2017)
Arad, Pnina
When Your Man Is On the Spectrum- To Know, Understand & Transform Your Relationship. (2020)
Ariel, Cindy N.
Loving Someone with Asperger's Syndrome. Understanding & Connecting
With Your Partner. (2012)
Aston, Maxine
Asperger's in Love. Couple Relationships and Family Affairs. (2003)​
What Men with Asperger Syndrome Want to Know About Women, Dating and Relationships. (2012)
​The Other Half of Asperger Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder), 2nd Edition. A Guide to Living In An Intimate Relationship With a Partner Who Is On The Autism Spectrum. (2014)
The Autism Couple's Workbook, Second Edition. (2020)
Attwood, Tony; Grandin, Temple and others
Asperger's and Girls. World-renowned experts join those with Asperger's Syndrome to resolve issues that girls and women face everyday. (2006)
Attwood, Tony
The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome. (2007)
Asperger's Syndrome. A Guide for Parents and Professionals. (1998)
Baird, Francesca
Label Me. My Journey Towards and Autism Diagnosis. (No Date)
Barbera, Mona
Bring Yourself To Love. How Couples Can Turn Disconnection Into Intimacy (2nd Edition) (2016)
Bartlett, Maureen McCarthy
Loving the Tasmanian Devil. Reflections on Marriage and Asperger Syndrome. (2011)
Beardon, Luke
Autism in Adults. (2021)
Avoiding Anxiety in Autistic Adults. A Guide for Autistic Well-Being. (2021)
Beattie, Melody
Codependent No More. How To Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring For Yourself. Revised and Updated. (2022)
Belcher, Hannah Louise
Taking Off the Mask. Practical Exercises to Help Understand and Minimise the Effects of Autistic Camouflaging. (2022)
Bentley, Karin
Alone Together-Making an Asperger Marriage Work. (2007)
Bergenstreiml, Herscue
When Herscue Met Jomphrey and Other Tales from an Aspie Marriage.​ (2015)
Biel, Joe
Autism FAQ. Everything that you want to know but didn't know to ask. Microcosm Publishing, Portland, Oregon. (no date)
Biel, Joe and Harper, Faith
The Autism Relationships Handbook. How to Thrive in Friendships, Dating and Love. Microcosm Publishing. Portland, Oregon. (2021)
The Autism Relationships Workbook. How to Thrive in Friendships, Dating and Love. Microcosm Publishing. Portland, Oregon. (2021)
Autism Partner Handbook. How to Love an Autistic Person. Microcosm Publishing, Portland, Oregon. (no date)
The Autism Handbook. Understand Its Many Intricacies. Microcosm Publishing. Portland, Oregon. (no date)
Carley, Michael John
The Book of Happy Positive, and Confident Sex for Adults on the Autism Spectrum...and Beyond. Neurodiversity Press. (2020)
Asperger's from the Inside Out: A Supportive and Practical Guide for Anyone with Asperger's Syndrome. (2008)
Chapman, Gary and Thomas, Jennifer
The 5 Apology Languages. The Secret to Healthy Relationships (2022)
Cook, Barb and Dr. Michelle Garnett (editors)
Spectrum Women-Walking to the Beat of Autism. (2018)
Cook-O'Toole, Jennifer
Autism in Heels. The Untold Story of a Female Life on The Spectrum. (2018)
Craft, Samantha
Everyday Aspergers. Second Edition. A Journey on the Autism Spectrum. Your Stories Matter. (2018).
Cunningham-Abbott, Ali
Counseling Adults With Autism: A Comprehensive Toolkit. (2019)
Doidge, Norman
The Brain That Changes Itself. Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science. (2007)
Finch, David
The Journal of Best Practices-A Memoir of Marriage, Asperger Syndrome, and One Man's Quest to Be a Better Husband. (2012)
Gaddis, Jayson
Getting to Zero. How to Work Through Conflict in Your High Stakes Relationship (2021)
Gaines, Arlen Grad and Polsky, Meredith Englander
I Have a Questions About Divorce. A Book for Children with Autism​
Spectrum Disorder or Other Special Needs. (2018)
Garvis Graces, Tracey
The Girl He Used to Know. A Novel. (2019)
Gaus, Valerie
Living Well on the Spectrum-How to Use Your Strengths to Meet the Challenges of Asperger Syndrome/High Functioning Autism. (2011)
Gaynor, Zanne; Alevizoa, Kathryn; and Butler, Joe
Is That Clear? Effective Communication in A Neurodiverse World. Autism-inspired tips for allistic (non-autistic) people. (2020)
Glover Tawwab, Nedra
The Set Boudaries Workbook. Practical Exercises for Understanding Your Needs and Setting Healthy Limits. (2021)
Goodall, Emma
The Autism Spectrum Guide to Sexuality and Relationships: Understand Yourself and Make Choices that are Right for You. (2016)
Gottman, Julie Schwartz and John
The Love Prescription. 7 Days to More Intimacy, Connection and Joy (2022)
Fight Right. How Succesful Couples Turn Conflict Into Connection (2024)
Gottman, John and Silver, Nan
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work. A Practical Guide from the Country's Foremost Relationship Expert. (2015)
Grandin, Temple and Scariano, Margaret M.
A True Story. Emergence: Labeled Autistic. (1986).
Grigg, Carol
ASPIA's Handbook for Partner Support. A Collection of ASPIA's best​
information for the support of partners of adults with Asperger's Syndrome.
Grossberg, Blythe
Asperger's and Adulthood. A Guide to Working, Loving, and Living with Asperger's Syndrome. (2015)
Groves, Mark and McBeath, Kylie
Liberated Love: Release Codependent Patterns and Create the Love You Desire. (2024)
Hecker, Lorna
Different Planets: Understanding Your Neurodiverse Relationship. (2022)
Heidel, Jaime A. (The Articulate Autistic)
"What Did I Do Wrong?" An Accessible Guide to Preventing Traumatic Misunderstandings Between You And Your Autistic Loved One". (2023)
Henault, Isabelle​
Asperger's Syndrome and Sexuality. From Adolescence Through Adulthood​. (2006)
Henderson, Donna and Wayland, Sarah (with Jamell White)
Is This Autism? A Guide for Clinicians and Everyone Else. (2023)
Is This Autism? A Companion Guide for Diagnosing. (2024)
Hendricks, Gay
The Big Leap. (2009)
Hendrickx, Sarah
Love, Sex, and Long-term Relationships-What People with Asperger Syndrome Really Really Want. (2008)
Women and Girls on the Autism Spectrum. Understanding Life Experiences from Early Childhood to Old Age. 2nd Edition (2024)
Hendrickx, Sarah & Newton, Keith
Asperger Syndrome-a love story. (2007)
Herbine-Blank, Toni and Sweezy, Martha
Internal Family Systems. Couple Therapy Skills Manual. Healing Relationships with Intimacy from the Inside Out (2021)
Holgate, CJ
The Mind Boggling Discovery of a Difference. A Love Story. (2024)
Hollands, Jean
The Silicon Syndrome. How to Survive a High-Tech Relationship. (1983)
Holliday Willey, Liane
Asperger Syndrome in the Family. Redefining Normal. (2001)
Pretending to Be Normal. Living with Asperger's Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder) Expanded Edition. (2015)
Jacobs, Barbara
Loving Mr. Spock. Understanding an Aloof Lover. (2003)
Johnson, Sue
The Hold Me Tight Workbook, A Couple's Guide For a Lifetime of Love (2022)​
Jones, Daniel M.
Autism for Adults. An Approachable Guide For Living Excellently on the Spectrum.(2023)
Jones, Dee
The Aspie Book. (2023)​
James, John W. and Friedman, Russell
The Grief Recovery Handbook The Action Program for Moving Beyond Death, Divorce, and Other Losses-Including Health, Career and Faith. How Grief Recovery Addresses Trauma & PTSD. (20th Anniversary Expanded Edition (2009)
Jones, Steph
The Autistic Survival Guide to Therapy (2024)
Kelly, Orion
Autism Feels...An Earthlings Guide. (2023)
Kim, Cynthia
I Think I Might Be Autistic-A Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis and Self-Discovery for Adults. (2013)
Lawson, Wendy
Sex, Sexuality and the Autism Spectrum. (2004)
LePera, Nicole
How To Meet Your Self: The Workbook for Self Discovery (2022)​
How To Be The Love You Seek: Break Cycles, Find Peace & Heal Your Relationships. (2023)
Lerner, Harriet
Why Won't You Apologize> Healing Big Betrayal and Everyday Hurts (2017)
Loo, Jasmine K.Y.
Nurturing Neurodivergence. The Late-Identified Adults Guide to Building Healthy Relationships With Self And Others. (2023)
Lovett, Juanita P.
Solutions for Adults with Asperger Syndrome-Maximizing Benefits, Minimizing Drawbacks to Achieve Success. (2005)
Marshack, Kathy
Life with a Partner or Spouse with Asperger Syndrome: Going Over the Edge? Practical Steps to Saving You and Your Relationship. (2009)
McCabe, Patrick, Estelle & Jared McCabe
Living and Loving with Asperger Syndrome-Family Viewpoints. (2003)
McNulty, Kate
Love and Asperger's-Practical Strategies to Help Couples Understand Each Other
and Strengthen Their Connection. (2020)
Mellody, Pia
Facing Codependence. What it is, Where It Comes From, How It Sabotages Our Lives. (2003)
Mendes, Eva
Marriage and Lasting Relationships -with Asperger's Syndrom (Autism Spectrum Disorder). Successful Strategies for Couples or Counselors. (2015)
Armchair Conversations on Love and Autism. Secrets of Happy Neurodiverse Couples (2024)
Moreno, Susan; Wheeler, Marci; and Parkinson, Kealah
The Partner's Guide to Asperger Syndrome. (2012)
Murgado-Willard, Kelli
Neurodiverse Couple Therapy. A Practical Guide to Brain-Informed Care. (2024)
Nannery, Sarah and Larry
What to Say Next. Successful Communication in Work, Life, and Love with Autism Spectrum Disorder. (2021)
Neff, Megan Anna​
Self-Care for Autistic People. 100+ Ways to Recharge, De-Stress and Unmask! (2024)
Nerenberg, Jenara
Divergent Mind. Thriving in a World That Wasn't Designed for You. (2021)
Peters, Tom & Linda
Stories from an Asperger's Relationship- Our Socially Awkward Marriage. (2016)
Pharaon, Vienna
The Origins of You: How Breaking Family Patterns Can Liberate the Way We Live and Love. (2023)
Pike, Joanna (with Tony Attwood)
Neurodiverse Relationships. Autistic and Neurotypical Partners Share Their Experiences. (2019)
Preston, Michelle and Andrew
Friendship Love Autism: Communication Challenges and the Autism Diagnosis that Gave Us a New Life Together. (2022)
Price, Devon
Unmasking Autism. Discovering the New Faces of Neurodiversity (2022)
Roberson, Kenneth
Adult Asperger's Syndrome-The Essential Guide. (no date)​
Rodman, Karen E.
Asperger's Syndrome and Adults...Is Anyone Listening? Essays and Poems by
Partners, Parents, and Family Members of Adults with Asperger's Syndrome. (2003)
Romanowski Bashe, Patricia
Asperger Syndrome: The Oasis Guide. Advice, Inspiration, Insight, and Hope, from Early Intervention to Adulthood. (2014)
Rowlands, Karen
Walking on Egg Shells-Confessions from an Asperger's Marriage and How We Made
it Work. (2017)
Schwartz, Richard C.
You Are the One You've Been Waiting For. Applying Internal Family Systems to Intimate Relationships. (2023)
Introduction to Internal Family Systems. Second Edition. (2023)
Simone, Ruby
1. 22 Things a Woman Must Know-If She Loves a Man with Asperger's Syndrome. (2019)
2. 22 Things a Woman with Asperger's Syndrome Wants Her Partner to Know. (2012).
Simsion, Graeme
The Rosie Project-A Novel. (2013)
Singer, Judy
Neurodiversity: The Birth of an Idea. www.neuroredux.blogspot.com (2017)
Slater-Walker, Christopher & Gisela
An Asperger Marriage. (2002)
Asperger Marriage and Relationships-Insights from the Front Line. (2016)
Sorenson, Michael S.
I Hear You. The Surprisingly Simple Skill Behind Extraordinary Relationships. (2017)
Stanford, Ashley
Troubleshooting Relationships on the Autism Spectrum-A User's Guide to Resolving Relationship Problems. (2013)
Asperger Syndrome and Long-Term Relationships. (2003)
Tedeschi, Richard G. and Moore, Bret A.
The Posttraumatic Growth Workbook. Coming Throught Trauma Wiser, Stronger, And More Resilient. (2016)
Thompson, Barrie
Counselling for Asperger Couples. (2008)
Tinsley, Matthew and Hendrickx, Sarah
Asperger Syndrome and Alcohol. Drinking to Cope? (2008)
Wake Wilma, Endlich Eric, Lagos Robert
Older Autistic Adults-In Their Own Words. The Lost Generation​. (2021)
Weston, Louise
Connecting with your Asperger Partners-Negotiating the Maze of Intimacy. (2010)
Whittington, Carole Jean
Unleashing Sustainable Energy: Transforming Burnout for Neurodivergent and Disabled Individuals. (2023)
Wilson, Bronwyn
Investigating Communication Dissonance Within Relationships of Adults with Asperger's Syndrome (ASD Level I). A Thesis on Social Interaction in Neurodiverse Relationships. Edwin Cowan University, School of Education. (2020)
Have They Gone Nuts? The Survival Guide to Social Interaction in Neurodiverse (Autistic-Neurotypical) Relationships. (2022)
Wise, Nan
Why Good Sex Matters: Understanding the Neuroscience of Pleasure for a Smarter, Happier and More Purpose-Filled Life. (2020)
Wylie, Philip
Very Late Diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder)-How
Seeking a Diagnosis in Adulthood Can Change Your Life. (2014)