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Paul Micallef-Aspergers/Autism from the Inside


Are We a Good Fit? How To Tell if You Are Right for Each Other.   Aspergers from the Inside. October 23, 2020.


Why Are Relationships So Difficult? (yet still so important to autistic people).  Aspergers from the Inside.  August 21, 2020.


Help!  I love an Aspie (How to love someone with Aspergers). Aspergers from the Inside, March 1, 2019.


How to Date an Aspie. Aspergers from the Inside, July 13, 2018.

Jodi Carlton


How to make sense of your Autism Spectrum Relationship. Jodi Carlton- November 12, 2020.


5 signs your partner may have Autism or Aspergers.  Jodi Carlton-April 2, 2020.


How to Know if Someone With Asperger's Loves You. Jodi Carlton-February 13, 2017.



Mark Hutten


The Bad News and the Good News about Emotional Reciprocity: Message to Neurotypical Spouses. ( Mark Hutten,M.A.  November 19, 2020.


Conflict and Score Keeping in the Neurodiverse Marriage- ( Mark Hutten,M.A.  November 10, 2020.


What You're NOT-Message to Men with ASD. ( Mark Hutten,M.A.

November 7, 2020.


It's About the “Team”-Not About You Specifically: Advice for ASD Spouses- ( Mark Hutten,M.A. November 6, 2020.


Why Your ASD Partner Fears Difficult Conversations About Relationship Problems: Tips for NT's-( Mark Hutten,M.A.  October 15, 2020.


Why Your Partner with Asperger's is so Damn Logical and Unemotional.  ( Mark Hutten,M.A.   October 14, 2020.


Why Your Neurotypical Spouse is Unhappy or Depressed.  ( Hutten,M.A.  October 12, 2020.


Questions from Neurotypicals About Autism Spectrum Disorder in their Partners/Spouses.  ( Hutten,M.A.  September 15, 2020.


Why Pleading, Arguing, and Lecturing Gets You Nowhere: Explanation for Neurotypical Partners.( Hutten,M.A. September 14, 2020.


Why Your NT Wife is Such a “NAG”: Tips for Men with ASD.  ( Hutten,M.A. September 1, 2020.


How to Improve Emotional Intelligence: Affective Education for People on the Autism Spectrum-  ( Hutten,M.A.  August 1, 2020.


Executive Function Deficits in ASD and How They Negatively Affect Relationships.( Mark Hutten,M.A. July 31, 2020.


Anxiety & the “Negativity Bias” in People on the Autism Spectrum.  ( Mark Hutten,M.A. July 29, 2020.


Your NT Wife is Looking to You For Emotional Support.  Where are you? ( Mark Hutten,M.A.   July 27, 2020.


The NT Challenge-Making Sense of Your ASD Partners Way of Thinking, Feeling and Behaving,  ( Hutten,M.A.   July 26, 2020.


Disparate Passions: Why You Are Struggling in a Neurotypical + ASD Marriage.  ( Hutten,M.A. July 24, 2020.


Why Your NT Partner or Spouse is Upset with You: Message to Men on the Autism Spectrum. ( Hutten, M.A. July 17, 2020.


Save Your Relationship: Online Group Therapy for Men on the Autism Spectrum. ( Mark Hutten,M.A. July 16, 2020.


Traits of AS and High-Functioning Autism that Often Contribute to Relationship Problems. ( Mark Hutten, M.A.  July 7, 2020.


Why Your AS or HFA Partner “Drifts Away” From the Relationship Over the Years-( Hutten, M.A. June 24, 2020.


Why Some Men with Asperger's and HFA “Fall Out of Love”-Seemingly Overnight.  ( Mark Hutten,M.A. May 29, 2020.


Making Sense of Your AS Partner's Hurtful Behavior-( Hutten,M.A.

May 21, 2020.


The NT Challenge-Making Sense of Your ASD Partner's Way of Thinking, Feeling and Behaving ( Hutten, M.A.-July 16, 2020.


Challenges Facing NT Wives Who Are Married to Men on the Autism Spectrum- ( Mark Hutten,M.A. April 24, 2020.


Dealing with “Mr. Logical”-Tips for NT Spouses.( Mark Hutten,M.A.

April 4, 2020.


Why the Behavior of an Individual with Asperger's or High-Functioning Autism Can Appear Childish. ( Mark Hutten,M.A.  March 3, 2020.


When You Suspect Your Spouse Has Asperger's-But He Refuses to Seek a Diagnosis. ( Hutten, M.A. March 17, 2020.


Why your AS Partner Blames You for All the Relationship Problems-( Mark Hutten,M.A. March 6, 2020.


Why Your AS Partner Prefers Tasks and Objects Over People and Relationships.   ( Hutten,M.A. February 21, 2020.


Your AS Partners Meltdowns ALWAYS Start with Anxiety. ( Hutten,M.A. February 20, 2020.


Cassandra Syndrome and Relationships with Partners on the Autism Spectrum-( Hutten, M.A. February 1, 2020.


Why the NT Wife and the AS Husband Have Great Difficulty.( Hutten,M.A., January 31, 2020.


Why Your Asperger's Partner Has Difficulty Meeting Your Emotional Needs. ( Hutten, M.A. January 18, 2020.


Why Your Aspergers Partner is So Sensitive to Criticism. ( Hutten, M.A.  January 13, 2020.


WhyYour Asperger's Partner Seems Unable to Understand How You Feel. ( Hutten, M.A. January 11, 2020.


Why the Relationship with Your NT Partner Sucks: Tips for Men with AS. ( Hutten, M.A.  January 8, 2020.


When Your Asperger's Partner “Relationship Needs”  Are Low: Tips for NT's. ( Hutten, M.A. December 17, 2019.


Challenges Facing Partners Who are Married to Husband's with Asperger's Syndrome-   ( Hutten, M.A. September 25, 2019.


Aspie Husband Talks About Married Life. ( Hutten, M.A. August 4, 2018.


Why Some “Neurotypical” Wives are Unhappy in Their Marriages. ( Hutten, M.A. March 28, 2018.


Asperger's Traits that Get Misinterpreted as “Inapproriate” Behavior.  ( Hutten, M.A.  September 20, 2017


Living With an Aspergers Partner-e-book and audio instruction. Mark Hutten, M.A.

December 11, 2015


Relationships with Partners on the Autism Spectrum. ( Hutten, M.A.

October 21, 2015.


Relationships and Mindblindness with Men with Asperger's. ( Hutten, M.A. April 21, 2014.


Asperger's Men and Marriage Problems. ( Hutten, M.A. April 16, 2014.


Obsessions and the Asperger's Mind: Help for People on the Autism Spectrum- ( Hutten, M.A. May 31, 2013.


Living with an Asperger's Partner: The Neurotypical Wife's Grief Cycle. ( Hutten, March 17, 2013.


Help for Aspergers Couples.  Mark Hutten, M.A.   July 23, 2011.



Autism-Relationship Advice You Need to Know. Anna Moomin. July 8, 2019.


Dating and Aspie; A Year on!  Anna Moomin.  September 3, 2018.


Asperger's Dating and Relationships-Anna Moomin-March 16, 2015.

Dating Someone with Autism:Important Things to Remember-Video-Special Bridge.
August 9, 2020.


Kirsten Lindsmith talks about Neurologically Mixed Relationships at Love and Autism-Wrong Planet. Love & Autism Conference lecture-October 26, 2016.


How Autism affects our relationship-couples Q&A-Kate Flowers YouTube Video-October 22, 2020.


Asperger's In Love, From Helplessly Confused to Head Over Heals, PsychCentral-Video. September 1, 2014.


Loving a Partner with Autism. Interview with Kathy Marshack, Ph.D.-Autism Live.
June 22, 2018.


“Asperger Love”-An Interview with author Amy Harmon, 
March 27, 2013.


Autism and Love: Anita & Abraham's Epic Love Story.  Futures Explored Film Studio.  March 10, 2016.


Why Autism is Sexier Then You Think it Is. Amy Graviano-TEDx Jersey City.
September 28, 2017.


Aspergers Relationships-Love Language (MUST SEE). The Aspie World.
October 30, 2020.


5 Dating Aspergers Dating Tips to Help You! (Are You Making These Mistakes?).  The Aspie World. January 30, 2020.


Aspergers Relationships-How Do You Maintain a Relationship (3 Tips). The Aspie World. August 15, 2019.


Aspergers and Relationships helpful info.  The Aspie World.  February 3, 2016.


Dating Advice for Adults with Autism. CBC News-The National.  January 4, 2016.


How to Help Asperger's Clients in Their Romantic Relationships- Uncommon Practitioners.  February 21, 2020.


Tips for Romantic Relationships with Autistic Partners-Purple Ella. April 26, 2019.


Autism AND Sexuality/Purple Ella. April 26, 2018.


Autism and Intimacy: The KEY message! Adam Wonders. May 30, 2020.


Male Asperger's Sexuality: Is Dating Impossible.  Adam Wonders.  July 2, 2019.


Autistic Wife, Neurotypical Husband-Neurodiverse Relationship Q & A.  Stephanie Bethany. September 5, 2019.


Austic and Neurotypical Relationship Tips -Stephanie Bethany. April 19, 2019.


Communication: A Necessary Skill to Strengthen or Dissolve a Neurodiverse Relationship by Leslie Sickels, LCSW.  Asperger/Autism Network AANE. June 10, 2019.    htps://


Viewing Marriage & Long Term Relationships Through An Asperger's Lens presented by Grace Myhill, LICSW and Eva Mendes, MA, LHMC, July 28, 2016.


Dating on the Autism Spectrum: A Valentine's Day Chat. Autism Speaks.  February 14, 2018.


Aspergers in Love; From Helplessly Confused to Head over Heals in Love. Alina Kislenko-PsychCentral. September 1, 2014.


Stephen Shore- Life with Autism, Music, Marriage, Professorship and Relationships .  International Center for Autism and Research.  March 5, 2014.


Social and Personal Relationships on the Autism Spectrum Sarah Hendrickx.  National Autism Society-South Hampshire.  May 1, 2019 .


Simon Baron-Cohen: Autism Spectrum Test-Wired 2012.


Autism Diagnosis Criteria: explained (DSM-5). Yo Samdy Sam. May 8, 2020.


Could YOU Be Autistic? (and not know) Yo Samdy Sam.  October 18, 2019.


Could it be Asperger's?-Generation Next. Professor Tony Attwood-
January 25, 2016.


How can a wife love a husband who suffers from Asperger Syndrome. Dr. Mike Emlet-September 28, 2011.


What it is like to date a Guy with Asperger's? Part 1: First and second dates. FruitorColor. October 18, 2017.


What it is like to date a Guy with Asperger's? Part 2: 3rd date and later. FruitorColor.  October 19, 2017.


Dating Advice for People with Asperger's Syndrome- Lifey Health. 
November 14, 2016.


Rethinking Neurodiversity, with Tim Goldstein-episode EDB 223- Different Brains. November 1, 2020.


Love and Autism: Exploring Romance and Neurodiversity with Jennifer Palmiotto-Podcast episode EDB 50 on Different Brains. October 4, 2016.


Neurodiversity-The Key that Unlocked My World. Elisabeth Wiklander-TedXGoteborg. February 9, 2017.


Autism and Relationships: Sam Goes Dating. July 26,2016. Attitude.


High Functioning Autism Aspergers and Relationships.  Adultswithautism. 
November 29, 2011.


Active and Passive Touch. Autism Marriage Edition.  Hacking Autism.  May 28, 2019.


How to Do a Wedding with Autism.  Hacking Autism. June 15, 2018.


Rudy Simone's 22 Things a Women with Asperger's Syndrome Wants Her Partner to Know.  JKP Videos.  June 28, 2012.


Asperger's Girl-Relationships.  Anja Melissa. June 4, 2016.


Autism and Falling in Love.  Autism Live.  December 16, 2014,

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